Heal Mind Body and Soul

Maria Guadalupe Toler

 I am a woman who loves life, I enjoy dancing, laughing and I am very sensitive, sometimes quiet (an observer). I am an eternal seeker of knowledge and truth. I love knowing how we come to believe so many things that we are not and forget what we are in essence. Therefore, my path is to help transform people's lifes, being a channel at the service of LOVE 

My way of working is that of conscious service. Conscious service is one that does not make you dependent on coming to countless sessions, however your own progress will depend on your own desire to heal and how open your mind and heart are. The answers are already within you, therefore I only accompany you, guiding you to the process and you will do your part, because it is your challenge and your learning. I only help you to make the healing path simpler and faster, based on my own experiences seeking to heal. 

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